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Automated Code Reviews

Code Reviews done in seconds, not hours

static code analysis: code reviews
feedback at every push example

Feedback at every push

Connect your repository and automate each code review with Codiga. At each push, Codiga analyzes your repository and highlights coding errors on your repository provider (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).

Make sure that every new code change does not introduce any issues. Merge with confidence with Codiga.

Code reviews in seconds

Codiga code analysis engine analyzes your code and reports software vulnerabilities and coding errors in seconds. Developers do not have to wait for feedback from co-workers or third-party tools: all errors are annotated on the pull/merge request.

Creating a code snippet.
Codiga code reviews supported platforms, github, gitlab, bitbucket

Works anywhere you write code

Codiga works on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Onboarding only takes a minute: log into Codiga, connect your repository, and code reviews are automated right away.

Get Automated Code Reviews

The best Static Code Analysis Engine

Codiga is powered by the most advanced static code analysis tool. Codiga users contribute to the code analysis engine and add more rules every day for multiple languages.

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Codiga code reviews annotation
Codiga code reviews statistics

Code Reviews Statistics

Codiga provides clear visual analytics and reports to help users understand their team performance. Track your team code reviews statistics and detect potential bottlenecks that slow your software development process. Compare team and individual performance across multiple periods, and understand how your team is progressing over time.

Save Developers Time

Reduce the time spent dealing with bad code, errors, debugging, and refactoring. Allow developers to focus on the development of new features and be more productive. With Codiga, your team can also create and maintain a consistent code base, reducing the amount of time spent on refactoring.

stripe developers time expent in code tech debt 13.5hours, and bad code 3.8 hours

Source: Stripe

With Codiga, make sure that every code change is safe.

Codiga is a powerful tool for digital product teams. Provide quality assurance and deliver code of the highest quality.


Automated code reviews can detect problems early on and accurately locate the source of the code error, letting you fix it earlier in the development process.


Manual code reviews can’t cover every possible code execution path, but an automated tool can. Analyze potential issues in your entire code.


Manual code reviews are susceptible to errors. Codiga examines every line of code to guarantee the highest standard of code quality.


Automated code reviews eliminate the subjectivity of manual reviews, allowing for a more consistent evaluation of the code.


Codiga automated code reviews examinates your entire codebase and makes it simpler for you to abide by standards and obtain certifications.

Real-time feedback

Get a breakdown of all security risks, coding style violations, and other errors within the code. Identify and address issues quickly.


Automated code reviews software can process many lines of code quickly and efficiently if you have a sizable crew of engineers or are growing faster.


Decrease the time spent on manual reviews, saving you time and money. Automated code review tools are reasonably priced and can improve your ROI.

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